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2024 Courses
American Literature
W1: Why American Literature?
W2: What is settler colonialism?
W3: What difficulties did early settlers
W4: How were Indians portrayed?
W5: How did early settlers' live shape
W6: Is Puritanism Religious or Political
W7: Is Taylor's and Edwards' God the sa
W8: What is Franklin's/Paine's Attitude
W9: Do you like Emerson's God?
W10: What restrictions were imposed on f
W11: How do male writers portray females
W12: Who is the Hero, Hester or Dimmesda
W13: Is Whitman's Poetry Homoerotic?
W14: What does it mean to be democratic
W15: Did the author's America include bl
W16: What rhetorical strategies did Jaco
Approaches to Literary Works
Workshop PPTs
Test Prep Books
Learning English Online
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Graduate School
Dec 13, 2023
Graduate School
Graduate School
Vocabulary: GRE學霸字彙 Grammar: 旋元佑文法解題 Reading: 最強英文閱讀技巧:6步驟看懂英文文章,8大英檢考試都適用 全新!IELTS 雅思閱讀題庫大全
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